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Our values

Our values resembles us and regroup us

Tenacity, Loyalty, Generosity. 


Whatever the difficulties encountered, our pioneering spirit and convictions guide us to always finding the best solution. It's a way of advancing in-house every dimension of our activities: technical, sales, marketing, R&D, etc. At Serge Ferrari, pioneering spirit is a component of the company's DNA; it gave birth to Précontraint, the major innovation that underpinned development of the company and, today, it continues to play a key role in its markets.

Being tenacious also means being courageous. It's an obvious behavioural value that entails proving responsibility for one's acts in all circumstances. This is especially the case in key, non-negotiable  areas such as occupational health and safety.

Taking action with determination, while ensuring that each step reflects the end-purpose, forms part of our long-term
vision, the other cornerstone of our tenacity. Above all, it's a vision of an organisation's trajectory: what it was,
what it is and what it wants to become. At Serge Ferrari, the principle of long-term value applies to our industrial 
investments, to the loyalty of our employees, customers and suppliers.


Confidence is our motor. We build a long-term relationship based on honesty and partnership.

Being honest is seeing things as they really are, even if they're unfavourable to us. At Serge Ferrari, the principle of honesty relates to the whole of our corporate model, which is based on a real service provided at a high added value: the foundation of our development and profitability.

The notion of cooperation is also a cornerstone of our loyalty. It's what enables us to fluidize our processes and actions. In-house, cooperation is depicted by powerful images taken from the world of navigation. Frequent reference to the notion of a crew encourages each person to develop his or her capacity for goodwill, mutual assistance and solidarity.


We dedicate our efforts to always giving more to our customers than they expect: unique products, a quality service and 
a strong relationship. This requires application of the two principles of resourcefulness and consideration.

Many consultants consider resourcefulness to be an organisation's breathing and that excessive rigidity is a curb to employee commitment and motivation. Resourcefulness is a form of proactivity at Serge Ferrari. It's reflected by the right to be wrong, not the right to be negligent. It provides room for manoeuvre in relation to experimenting, testing alternative solutions and seeking a better way.

Consideration is one way of remaining efficient and effective by limiting conflict and timewasting. It means making the 
effort to place oneself in someone else's shoes. When entering a room, saying hello to everyone before calling on someone is an action that forms part of our culture.